Tuesday, October 3, 2017

31 Nights of Halloween - Night 3: This is...Halloween? Or should it be: This...is Halloween?

OK, let me get the heresy out of the way: I'm not a big fan of The Nightmare Before Christmas. There. Now, let me elaborate. I don't hate the movie at all. In fact, it's quite good. But it has gathered a following of Poisoned Ghouls (has anyone used that before? "Poisoned Ghouls" for "Boys and Girls"? They must have. For a second I thought I'd stumbled onto my own trademark reference to my Halloween readers, if there are any) far beyond many other Halloween mainstays. That's not bad, but sometimes I feel a bit left out while listening to the ululating cries of rapt adoration wafting through my window for it this time of year. Occasionally, though, something comes along that has been spawned from it that I wholeheartedly - or is it HOLE-heartedly? - embrace. Like this rendition of the most iconic song from the film by a Spanish band called Broken Peach.


  1. That is a glorious new addition to my Halloween slaylist. I thank both you and Roto Melocotón.
